What the government is already doing

The Victorian Government is committed to reducing the risk of fires at waste and resource recovery facilities, including those accepting recyclable materials from kerbside collections, waste tyres and construction and demolition waste.

The Resource Recovery Facility Audit Taskforce, chaired by Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA), has inspected many of the highest risk sites in Victoria. It will continue to visit and regulate waste and resource recovery facilities to lift safety standards and ultimately protect the Victorian community and environment.

Using its powers under the Waste Management Policy (Combustible Recyclable and Waste Materials), which took effect on 28 August 2018, the Taskforce focuses on safe onsite storage of combustible recyclable and waste materials and ensuring that appropriate emergency management planning arrangements are in place.

EPA’s Management and storage of combustible recyclable and waste materials—guideline supports compliance with the policy.

What else has the government committed to?

Recent changes to international recycling markets have created challenges for Victoria’s recycling industry. The government is taking action to support Victoria’s recycling industry to build a safer and more resilient recycling industry and to ensure the security of municipal recycling.

The actions being undertaken are outlined in Managing fire risk at resource recovery facilities – Action Plan. They include reviewing the regulatory framework governing fire risk, encouraging industry leadership, considering opportunities in land use planning, and better sharing of information.

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning will work with EPA, Sustainability Victoria, Victoria’s waste and resource recovery groups, and fire service agencies to deliver these actions.

More broadly, the Victorian Government's waste and resource recovery program addresses some of the underlying supply and demand issues that lead to poor and unsafe management of recyclable and waste materials. Key components of the program include:

The Environment Protection Authority issued notices to SKM Recycling on 14 February 2019, due to fire risks from stockpiled material at their Coolaroo and Laverton North facilities. This means SKM cannot accept recyclable materials at those facilities, and that if alternative facilities are not available, recycling from some councils may be sent to landfill in the short-term. While this is unfortunate, the EPA is acting now to protect Victorians and our environment.

Read the Frequently Asked Questions about kerbside recycling impacts (Word, 118KB)

In addition, the Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018 provides for a new approach to environmental issues, focusing on preventing waste and pollution impacts rather than managing impacts after they have occurred. Find out more here.

Frequently asked questions

Page last updated: 18/02/19