The following information appears in the Victoria Unearthed left sidebar when you expand a search result or use the “Identify” tool and click on a purple dot at a location.
This provides more detail on each business listing, including the original source of information, the ‘geocoding’ process that mapped the business location onto the Victoria Unearthed map, and any verification and corrections applied during the data review process.
For more detail, a comprehensive data dictionary has been created to assist users to understand the technical details behind the creation of this dataset.
Data dictionary for Historical Business Listings (PDF, 170.4 KB)
Data dictionary for Historical Business Listings (DOCX, 109.5 KB)
Sands & McDougall Attributes
S&McD Year: The year of Sands & McDougall directory publication
Business Type: The business type as listed in the Sands & McDougall directory
Business Name: Name of the business and/or owner as listed in the Sands & McDougall directory
Historical Address: The business address as listed in the Sands & McDougall directory.
S&McD Page Number: The page number of the listing in the Sands & McDougall directory.
Link to State Library Victoria: Link to the relevant Sands & McDougall directory at State Library Victoria.
Geocode ID: Unique Identifier for each Sands & McDougall record.
Adopted Street No: Street number entered for geocoding process.
Adopted Street Name: Street name entered for geocoding process.
Adopted Street Type: Street type entered for geocoding process.
Adopted corner: Additional street name(s) indicating an intersection for geocoding process.
Adopted Locality: Suburb or locality entered for geocoding process.
Pregeocode status: Lists anyIssues if the address record for geocoding process is incomplete (e.g. "No Street Number")
Returned street no: Geocoding result for street number.
Returned street name: Geocoding result for street name.
Returned street type: Geocoding result for the street type
Returned locality: Geocoding result for suburb, town or locality.
Geocode partial match: Geocoding result. Indicates if the address was matched on part of the information provided.
Geocode result type: Geocoding result. Indicates the type of location returned by the geocoder.
Geocode precision: Geocoding result. Indicates the location precision as reported by the geocoding process. "ROOFTOP" is a precise location; other values are approximations at street or suburb/town level precision.
Geocode status: Geocoding result. Lists any errors or mismatches found during the geocoding process.
Post Geocode Location quality: Level of confidence in the accuracy of the geocoding result (e.g. “Very Low”, “Moderate”, “Very High”).
Secondary Source: Source of information used to verify/correct the geocoding result.
Secondary Source Comment: Describes the verification/review process for the record. Explains what corrections were made, if any, to the locations of the records.
Geocoding Issue: Issues encountered during the geocoding process. Mostly blanks or nulls.
Location precision: Describes the location precision of map point, including any corrections from verification/review (E.g. "street address match", "street level", "locality level").
Vicmap address / location: Location address (as at June 2018) obtained from the VicMap suite of products.
Vicmap product: VicMap product
Vicmap PFI: Unique Identifier (PFI) for each VicMap record
Directory Time Stamp: The year of Sands & McDougall directory publication held in a time stamp format.
Page last updated: 28/08/19