The Premier and the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change are supported by the Sustainability Fund Committee which:

  • oversees fund management in order to support transparency and accountability
  • provides impartial, strategic advice relevant to all allocations from the fund to the Minister prior to approval from the Minister and the Premier.

The Committee currently has 5 members and is fully independent. The Committee plays a key role in ensuring that all allocations are consistent with the legislated objectives of the Fund. The Committee is supported by the Sustainability Fund Team within DELWP.

Who we are

Freya Marsdon

Freya Marsden, Committee Chair

Committee Chair, Freya Marsden, is an experienced Chair and Non-Executive Director with extensive governance, corporate strategy and finance background. As an economist, Freya has a keen interest in ensuring long-term, effective outcomes and value for money for the Victorian government as well as for taxpayers.

Freya has deep experience in driving optimal outcomes supported through her extensive sustainability, environmental management, finance, risk and audit capability. This includes establishing and utilising frameworks that protect and create value, manage risks and optimise opportunities.

Freya brings to her role significant knowledge in the energy, water, infrastructure, transport and environmental; sectors including sustainability policy within government and the private sector both in Australia and internationally.

Freya also has extensive not-for-profit experience. She has been involved in developing policies in areas such as disadvantage and disability.

Joan Ko

Joan Ko

Joan has spent her career providing sustainability advice as a consultant to government and industry, with a focus on decarbonisation, resilience and circular economy for cities. She is Arup's Climate and Sustainability Leader in the Australasian region, responsible for developing new approaches to sustainable development challenges.

Examples of Joan’s work include advising policymakers on the role of infrastructure in resilient communities, helping organisations transition towards a circular economy, and identifying barriers and drivers for net-zero emissions precincts in Australia. She is also a member of the Committee of Management for Working Heritage.

Joan holds a Master of Philosophy in Engineering for Sustainable Development from Cambridge, as well as a Master of Business Administration and Bachelor of Environmental Engineering. Joan is a Graduate of the AICD Company Directors course.

Kate Andrews

Kate Andrews

Kate Andrews is a professional company director and independent management consultant with expertise in governance, organisational strategy, marketing and digital disruption. Kate is passionate about addressing climate change and working towards a circular economy. Kate’s governance experience as a board member and committee chair spans community services, aged care, private health insurance, and member and advocacy organisations.

As a former executive, Kate held senior management positions in strategic marketing and corporate strategy at a $30 billion superannuation fund and at top-tier advertising and marketing organisations locally and internationally.

Kate has a Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Arts, a Graduate Diploma of Marketing, a Diploma of Financial Services (Superannuation), is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Company Directors Course, and a former Fellow of the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees (AIST).


Tom Mollenkopf

Tom Mollenkopf is an independent adviser on water policy, strategy and governance and an experienced Non-Executive Director. He is a Senior Associate with consultants, AITHER, and President and Chairperson of the International Water Association, having served on the IWA Board since 2014.

Tom has a background in law, first in private practice and then as corporate counsel, before undertaking a series of executive roles in the water and environment sector, including as CEO of the Australian Water Association and CEO of the Peter Cullen Water and Environment Trust. He is passionate about sound evidence-based decision-making and the role of informed and respectful conversations in good policy.

Tom is a member of the Australian Water Partnership Expert Review Panel and a Non-Executive Director on several Boards. He also served for six years as President and Chairperson of Life Saving Victoria.

Tom holds degrees in jurisprudence and law from Monash University, a Master of Business Administration from Melbourne Business School, and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the Chartered Governance Institute.

In January Tom 2023 was appointed an Officer in the Order of Australia (AO) for his distinguished service to business, particularly through the essential services industry, and to the community.

Tim Lo Surdo - Sustainability Fund committee member

Tim Lo Surdo

Tim Lo Surdo is the Founder of Democracy in Colour, Australia's first racial and economic justice organisation led by people of colour. Before starting Democracy in Colour, he worked with low-paid workers to set up Hospo Voice, a new union in hospitality. Previously, Tim was the Head of Campaigns at Oaktree (largest youth-focussed anti-poverty organisation with over 200,000 members), a senior adviser to two Senators, the Campaigns Director at Jhatkaa (a movement of 1.9 million people acting for a fairer India), the National Communications Director at UN Youth Australia, and co-founded Open Sky, one of India’s most well-known performance art communities.

Tim has served as a Non-Executive Director on 14 Boards and is currently a Director of Plan International, No to Violence, the Australian Marine Conservation Society, Environment Victoria, the Alliance for Gambling Reform, Inner Melbourne Community Legal, and the Cultural Facilities Corporation. For his work, Tim was appointed in 2020 as one of 17 United Nations Young Leaders for the Sustainable Development Goals.

Page last updated: 27/04/23