In Phase 4 of the program, more than 56,000 trees will be planted across Melbourne's west in 2024. Project locations are outlined below.
Phase 4 projects
Delivery Partner | Number of trees | Planting locations |
Brimbank City Council | 5,000 |
Melbourne Water | 800 |
Delivery Partner | Number of trees | Planting locations |
Hobsons Bay City Council | 5,000 |
Delivery Partner | Number of trees | Planting locations |
Maribyrnong City Council | 7,500 |
Delivery Partner | Number of trees | Planting locations |
Melton City Council | 10,000 |
Greater Western Water | 1,000 |
Delivery Partner | Number of trees | Planting locations |
Moonee Valley City Council | 5,000 |
Delivery Partner | Number of trees | Planting locations |
Wyndham City Council | 5,933 |
Melbourne Water | 1,200 |
Victoria University | 1,500 |
Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation | 10,000 |
Zoos Victoria | 5,000 |
Trees for Schools
The More Trees for a Cooler, Greener West program partnered with Greater Western Water to deliver the Trees for Schools program in 2024. We provided over 2000 trees to 44 schools in the LGAs of Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Melton, Moonee Valley, and Wyndham to help increase canopy cover and contribute to the wellbeing of schools and their communities.
DEECA-led projects
In addition to the projects above, the Department identified underutilised public land sites for tree planting at Leakes Road and Old Geelong Road, boosting tree numbers by over 7,000.
Phase 4 project selection
The Minister for Environment announced the first 3 packages of tree planting projects funded under phases 1, 2 and 3 of the More Trees for a Cooler Greener West program in October 2021, April 2022 and April 2023, respectively.
The package of Phase 4 tree planting projects and locations was announced on 20th October 2023 by the Minister for Environment.
The Program aims to:
- Contribute to urban cooling and greening in the west of Melbourne by planting more trees;
- Leverage and accelerate existing and potential investment in urban forests by local governments and networks such as Greening the West;
- Collaborate with Traditional Owners to design and deliver tree planting projects on Country, and:
- Support local communities to participate in tree planting projects.
Eligible organisations can apply for funding under the following categories. Further information on the eligibility and application process and selection criteria are detailed in the program guidelines.
More Trees for a Cooler, Greener West - Phase 4 program guidelines (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Funding category | Bring Your Own (BYO) tubestock | Planting on Country |
What can be applied for | Funding for planting of tubestock procured by delivery partner. | Funding for planting tubestock on Country – which can be procured by the RAP or DEECA. |
Tubestock available | Funding is available for up to a total of 80,000 tubestock program wide. | |
Funding available | Maximum rate of $15 per tubestock tree. Delivery partners supporting RAP projects in the ‘Planting on Country’ stream are eligible for funding support of up to $8/tubestock to undertake site preparation and maintenance on behalf of the RAP. | Maximum rate of $15 per tubestock tree. Up to an additional $20,000 per RAP for project management costs. |
Timing |
Planting to be completed by no later than 30 September 2024. Final report and acquittal to be completed by 30 November 2024. | |
Eligible organisations |
| Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) of:
Eligible organisations are encouraged to contribute towards the overall cost of the project(s). These contributions can be a combination of in-kind support (time spent planning and delivering the projects) as well as cash contributions (such as planting and maintenance costs).
Key dates
Description | Date |
Program briefing | 5 September 2023 |
Applications open | 5 September 2023 |
Applications close | 19 September 2023 |
Applicants notified | October 2023 |
Project funding agreements finalised and executed | October 2023 |
Activities commence | April 2024 onwards |
Activities completed and acquittal reports submitted | No later than 30 November 2024 |
Please note: Key dates may be subject to change – eligible organisations will be advised of any changes accordingly.
If you have any questions about the eligibility or application process for this program, please contact
Page last updated: 06/03/25