2024 Victorian Landcare awards

The Victorian Landcare awards are held every 2 years to celebrate and recognise the outstanding work done by our landcarers and environmental volunteers.

Award categories acknowledge the excellence of:

  • individuals
  • groups
  • networks
  • First Nations people
  • schools
  • other organisations in caring for Victoria’s land, water and biodiversity.

The 2024 Victorian Landcare awards took place on Thursday 18th July. We would like to congratulate all the winners, highly commended and commended and thank everyone for attending.

To find out more about the winners and their stories, please visit the Landcare gateway to see the latest edition of the Landcare magazine.

Victorian Landcare grants

The Victorian Landcare grants support Landcare and other community-based natural resource management groups to protect and restore the Victorian landscape. The grants are delivered through the state's 10 Catchment Management Authorities.

The grant program funds:

  • on-ground works that deliver on local, regional and state priorities
  • capacity building activities for land stewardship and on-ground change
  • projects that promote innovation through experimental trials and pilot programs
  • support grants to ensure a strong Landcare base across the state
  • opportunities to promote Landcare and increase membership and volunteer numbers.

For more information, visit: Victorian Landcare grants.

Victorian Landcare Grants - 2023 Outcomes*

The annual Victorian Landcare Grants support Landcare and environmental volunteer groups and networks to deliver on-ground works, education and capacity building projects to protect and restore the environment.

216 Projects delivered outcomes included protecting threatened species and habitat, revegetating and controlling weeds, reducing rabbit numbers and engagement and education to connect communities with nature

Value for money the Victorian Landcare Grants leveraged $7.5 million (2022 funding) through in-kind volunteer and staff hours, project support and financial co-contributions, on top of the $3.38 million invested by the Victorian government

14,145 people participated in 620 community events e.g. workshops, field days, and demonstrations delivered as part of grant projects

376 Artificial habitats or nest boxes installed for species such as gliders, owls and phascogales

*total figures include projects funded in previous rounds, but completed in 2023

Biodiversity 2037 Plan

29,857 Ha of land improved (16,868 MCGs) including:

  • 440 Ha of habitat protected by 83.5 km of fencing
  • 1,126 Ha Revegetation
  • 24,700 Ha Herbivore Control
  • 3,591 Ha Weed Control

Click on the picture larger version.

Victorian Landcare Grants

Victorian Junior Landcare and biodiversity grants

The Victorian Junior Landcare and biodiversity grants provide support of up to $5,000 to:

  • Victorian schools
  • kindergartens
  • childcare centres
  • Scouts
  • Girl Guides
  • youth groups.

Funding is provided for projects that engage young Victorians in outdoor, hands-on, on-ground projects, and environmental learning activities.

These projects provide both environmental and educational outcomes, as well as health and social benefits.

The grants are funded through the Victorian Landcare Program and delivered by Landcare Australia as part of its Junior Landcare Program.

For more information, visit: Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants

Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants - 2023 outcomes

The Victorian Junior Landcare and biodiversity grants fund projects that involve and educate young people in valuing and actively caring for Victoria’s biodiversity and natural environment.

110 schools and youth organisations received funding

$381,000 investment by the Victorian Government

7,830 young Victorians were involved in projects, from pre-school age to senior high schools

15,715 native indigenous plants were planted

1,276 volunteers shared their knowledge with the next generation for over 7,038 hours

113 nest boxes were installed, creating habitat and shelter for insects and native animals

Biodiversity 2037 Plan

Through their involvement in the grants, young people increased their awareness of biodiversity in 100% of projects.

Junior landcarers learnt about how they can contribute to a healthy environment, with 76% of projects providing opportunities for young people to undertake planting activities and learn about caring for plants

Junior landcarers gained hands-on skills through on-ground activities including 239 working bees. 80% of projects reported improving habitats for animals/insects as an environmental outcome.

Click on the picture larger version.

The Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants

2023 Achievements and outcomes

  • Victorian Landcare Grants – $3.38m* for 216 Project Grants and 281 Support Grants
  • Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program – $4.5 million to support 734 groups and networks
  • Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants – $381,000* for 110 projects
  • Regional Landcare Coordination – $1.7 million for 10 Regional Landcare Coordinators
  • Environmental volunteers supported by the Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program made a $13.4 million economic contribution **
  • Group health – 88% of Landcare groups and networks are health and functioning well***

*Funded in 2022 through Victorian Government funding and delivered by the community in 2023
**Based on a monetary value of $41.72/hour for volunteer contribution
***Based on self-reporting of group health as ok, strong or thriving

Biodiversity 2037 contribution highlights

  • 18,317 volunteers acted for nature through the Victorian Landcare Program, contributing 421,302 volunteer hours
  • 29,417 Ha of revegetation, weed control and herbivore control was undertaken to protect Victoria's biodiversity
  • 42,451 participants connected with nature at Landcare Facilitator supported education and engagement events
  • Landcare grands supported threatened species and communities by protecting and connecting Victorian Volcanic Plain remnants, restoring Buloke woodlands and enhancing habitat for Murray crayfish, Southern Brown banicoot and Lace Monitor.

Click on the picture larger version.

Victorian Landcare Program 2023 Delivery

Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program - 2023 outcomes

The Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program funds 80 part-time Landcare facilitators, employed directly by networks, groups, and other organisations. Landcare facilitators help environmental volunteers protect, enhance and restore the environments.

80 part-time Landcare facilitator positions

$4.5 Million investment by the Victorian Government

734 groups and networks supported by a Landcare facilitator

239 engagement, management, property, and strategic plans established, updated, or reviewed

$8+ million funding leveraged for groups and networks from government, corporate & philanthropic sources

Biodiversity 2037 Plan

Landcare facilitators coordinated and supported 1,090 community events including training, field days and workshops

42,541 participants acted and connected with nature.

‘I bring volunteers together to work on projects to create a larger impact, I can help them get things off the ground, getting grants, setting up bigger projects. It’s very grassroots which is what I love about it.’ – Landcare Facilitator

Click on the picture larger version.

The Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program

Page last updated: 18/02/25