
Traditional Owners are important partners in the BushBank program, with opportunities to lead and participate in habitat restoration and carbon markets. $14.5 million will be available via grants to support Aboriginal self-determination and Traditional Owner participation in restoration and carbon markets.

Applications are now open for the first round of grants totalling $7 million over four years. The grants are designed to address biodiversity loss, climate change and to improve the capacity of Traditional Owners to participate in healing Country, carbon markets and to practice self-determination.

The grants are consistent with Pupangarli Marnmarnepu, DELWP’s Aboriginal Self-Determination Reform Strategy, providing opportunities for First Peoples organisations to increase their ability to achieve self-determination and economic independence through internal capacity building or undertaking on-ground activities that align with their aspirations for Country.


Two funding streams are available for eligible Traditional Owner Corporations:

  1. Foundational grants to build capacity and capability with a maximum request of $75,000 per application for projects delivered over a maximum of two years.
  2. Place-based project grants for on-ground activities with a maximum request of $500,000 per application for projects delivered over a maximum of four years.


Applications are open to Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations that are either:

  • an incorporated body registered, under Consumer Affairs Victoria
  • an incorporated association under the federal Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.

If you do not meet the above eligibility criteria, you can partner with a Traditional Owner Corporation that does.

The auspicing group will be required to enter into a contract with DELWP and will be legally responsible for the project and handling of project funds.

Written consent to enter into this arrangement from a relevant financial delegate or authority within the auspice organisation must be provided with the application.

How to apply

Complete the application form by the closing date and attach any relevant documentation and email it to bushbank.program@delwp.vic.gov.au.

Supporting documents must be in an acceptable file type, such as Word, Excel, PDF, or JPEG. The maximum file size for each file is 5 MB. Attach all documents to one email, zipping the files if required.

Note: No hard copy applications will be accepted. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.


Applications open4 April 2022
Information session
(Potential applicants who were unable to attend this session, may request a link to the recording by contacting the BushBank team at bushbank.program@delwp.vic.gov.au.)
20 April 2022
Applications close15 May 2022
Applicants notified (indicative)July 2022
Enter agreements (indicative)July 2022

BushBank video - creating shapefiles and maps on NatureKit