Environmental volunteering opportunities map
We’re making it easy for people interested in environmental volunteering to get involved through local groups.
It’s as simple as:
- Zoom into the location you're interested in. Each dot represents a group.
- Select the dot to see the following info: Group name, core activities, contact details (Facebook or website). (Multiple groups may be represented by an individual dot. To access all groups use the arrow keys at the top of the pop-up box).
- Connect with the group through their website or social media platforms and let them know you’re keen to participate.
Access a full screen version of the map
You can filter groups by activity type, local government area (LGA), Catchment Management Area (CMA) or Group name.
Toggle on the filter type you are interested in (button will turn from grey to green), click the arrow on the left to expand the filter, and choose from the dropdown list or start typing. You can apply multiple filters simultaneously.
Getting involved
Citizen Science
A number of CMAs have information on how you can get involved in Citizen Science projects including Melbourne Water, Corangamite, and Mallee.
SWIFFT - State Wide Integrated Flora and Fauna Teams connects people with events, information and others interested in threatened species and biodiversity conservation.
Land for Wildlife
Land for Wildlife is a voluntary wildlife conservation program. If you wish to create or protect wildlife habitats on your property, then the Land for Wildlife scheme can offer you advice and assistance no matter whether you manage a farm, a bush block, a council park or school ground.
Landcare represents thousands of people across Victoria, working together to increase biodiversity and promote the sustainable management of land.
Coastcare Victoria proudly supports hundreds of community volunteer groups working to protect and enhance Victoria's 2000 kilometres of coastline.
Waterwatch Victoria is a successful community engagement program connecting local communities with river health and sustainable water issues and management since 1993.
EstuaryWatch is a citizen science program for monitoring estuary health.
Gardens for Wildlife
Gardens for Wildlife Victoria is a network of environmental community groups, shires, councils, and volunteers from across Victoria developing or managing community wildlife gardening programs that are co-designed and led by local government-community partnerships.
Parks Victoria
Victoria's parks provide open space, stunning landscapes, habitats to protect flora and fauna and areas to conserve cultural heritage.
Victoria Environment Friends Network
The Victorian Environment Friends Network exists to help represent the common interests of all Friends groups in Victoria.
Committees of Management of Crown Land Reserves
Approximately 1200 volunteer committees of management work on behalf of the Minister for Environment and Climate Change to manage 1,500 Crown land reserves across Victoria.
Conservation Volunteers Australia
Conservation Volunteers makes it easy for people to care for nature by volunteering on one of our many conservation projects across the country. Volunteers come from a wide range of backgrounds and no prior skills or experience are required, and volunteer projects are available to suit your availability and particular interests.
Volunteering Victoria
Volunteering Victoria is the state peak body for volunteering, focusing on advocacy, sector development and the promotion of volunteering.
Australian Citizen Science Association
Australian Citizen Science Association provides information about opportunities to involve public participation and collaboration in scientific research with the aim to increase scientific knowledge. To be involved in citizen science, you don’t need a science degree. Citizen scientists work with scientists or the scientific framework to achieve scientific goals.
Corporate volunteering
Are you exploring corporate volunteering? Environmental volunteering is a great way of supporting your employees to connect with nature and each other. There are a number of organisations and groups that you can reach out to about one-off volunteering opportunities. We encourage you to do your own research, but a few to get you started include:
Group /Organisation | Location | link for further information |
Friends of Dandenong Valley Parklands | Dandenong Valley Parklands | http://www.dandenongvalleyfriends.org.au/ |
The Helmeted Honeyeater project | Yellingbo | https://www.helmetedhoneyeater.org.au/get-involved/corporate-groups/ |
Ceres | Brunswick East | https://www.ceresproject.org/volunteer/business-teams |
Port Phillip Ecocentre | St Kilda | https://www.ecocentre.com/programs/community-programs/corporate-volunteering/ |
Yarra Riverkeeper | https://yarrariver.org.au/corporate-volunteering/ | |
Friends of Maribyrnong Valley | https://www.fmvonline.com/what-we-do/volunteering-with-fmv/ | |
Westgate Biodiversity - Bili Nursery and Landcare | https://westgatebiodiversity.org.au/volunteer/corporate-volunteering/ | |
Merri Creek Management Committee | https://mcmc.org.au/get-involved/volunteering-opportunities/corporate-volunteering | |
Collingwood Childrens Farm | Abbotsford | https://www.farm.org.au/corporate-volunteering |
Friends of Kororoit Creek | https://www.fokc.org.au/our-projects |
If you're still looking for opportunities and need some assistance, please email us at: environmental.volunteering@deeca.vic.gov.au
Volunteering Victoria has some good information for workplaces looking to set up an employee volunteering program.
Volunteer Support Services
Volunteer Support Services (VSSs) provide the following services:
- information to individuals about volunteering
- a referral service that is responsive to the needs of volunteers, potential volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations
- support to not-for-profit organisations and community groups in the recruitment and management of volunteers
- promote volunteering and volunteering opportunities
Page last updated: 25/03/25