Final Recommendation Reports

Alpine Bog Community (PDF, 109.4 KB)
Alpine Snowpatch Community (PDF, 120.8 KB)
Butterfly Community No. 1 (PDF, 131.0 KB)
Caltha introloba Herbland Community (PDF, 75.3 KB)
Central Gippsland Plains Grassland Community (PDF, 114.1 KB)
Coastal Moonah Woodland Community (PDF, 96.1 KB)
Cool Temperate Mixed Forest Community (PDF, 792.6 KB)
Cool Temperate Rainforest Community (PDF, 114.6 KB)
Creekline Grassy Woodland (Goldfields) Community (PDF, 88.6 KB)
Devonian Limestone Pomaderris Shrubland Community (PDF, 123.0 KB)
Dry Rainforest (Limestone) Community (PDF, 191.7 KB)
Fen (Bog Pool) Community (PDF, 135.1 KB)
Forest Red Gum Grassy Woodland Community (PDF, 138.3 KB)
Granite Foothills Spring Wetland NE Community (PDF, 215.2 KB)
Grey Box-Buloke Grassy Woodland Community (PDF, 122.6 KB)
Herb-rich Plains Grassy Wetland (West Gippsland) Community (PDF, 159.0 KB)
Limestone Grassy Woodland Community (PDF, 129.4 KB)
Limestone Pomaderris Shrubland Community (PDF, 105.2 KB)
Lowland Riverine Fish Community Southern Murray-Darling Basin (PDF, 144.3 KB)
Montane Swamp Complex Community (PDF, 123.6 KB)
Northern Plains Grassland  (PDF, 121.8 KB)Community
NW Goldfields Intermittent Soak Community (PDF, 2.4 MB)
Plains Grassland (South Gippsland) Community (PDF, 171.0 KB)
Port Phillip Entrance Deep Canyon Community (PDF, 389.9 KB)
Red Gum Swamp Community No. 1 (PDF, 186.6 KB)
Rocky Chenopod Open Scrub Community (PDF, 155.6 KB)
San Remo Marine Community (PDF, 75.8 KB)
Sedge Rich Eucalyptus camphora Swamp Community (PDF, 164.9 KB)
Semi-arid Herbaceous Pine Woodland Community (PDF, 141.0 KB)
Semi-arid Herbaceous Pine-Buloke Woodland Community (PDF, 125.0 KB)
Semi-arid Northwest Plains Buloke Grassy Woodlands Community (PDF, 132.3 KB)
Semi-arid Shrubby Pine-Buloke Woodland Community (PDF, 145.8 KB)
Strzeleckis Warm Temperate Rainforest Community (PDF, 2.9 MB)
Victorian Mallee Bird Community (PDF, 213.5 KB)
Victorian Temperate-Woodland Bird Community (PDF, 166.9 KB)
Warm Temperate Rainforest (Coastal East Gippsland) Community (PDF, 156.5 KB)
Warm Temperate Rainforest (Cool Temperate Overlap, Howe Range) Community (PDF, 135.1 KB)
Warm Temperate Rainforest (East Gippsland Alluvial Terraces) Community (PDF, 148.5 KB)
Warm Temperate Rainforest (Far East Gippsland) Community (PDF, 167.8 KB)
Warm Temperate Rainforest Community (PDF, 266.1 KB)
Western (Basalt) Plains Grasslands Community (PDF, 146.5 KB)
Western Basalt Plains (River Red Gum) Grassy Woodland Community 55-04 (PDF, 62.2 KB)
Western Port Bryozoan Reef Community (PDF, 404.5 KB)

Alteration to the natural flow regimes of rivers and streams (PDF, 285.4 KB)
Alteration to the natural temperature regimes of rivers and streams (PDF, 301.0 KB)
Collection of native orchids (PDF, 161.0 KB)
Degradation and loss of habitats caused by feral Horses (PDF, 749.5 KB)
Degradation of native riparian vegetation along Victorian rivers and streams (PDF, 366.1 KB)
Habitat fragmentation as a threatening process for fauna in Victoria (PDF, 249.2 KB)
High frequency fire resulting in disruption of life cycle processes and loss of vegetation structure
Human activity which results in artificially elevated or epidemic levels of Myrtle Wilt within Nothofagus-dominated Cool Temperate Rainforests (PDF, 158.3 KB)
Inappropriate fire regimes causing disruption to sustainable ecosystem processes and resultant loss of biodiversity (PDF, 195.4 KB)
Incidental catch (or bycatch) of seabirds during longline fishing operations (PDF, 173.7 KB)
Increase in sediment input into Victorian rivers and streams due to human activities (PDF, 283.8 KB)
Infection of amphibians with Chytrid Fungus resulting in chytridiomycosis (PDF, 198.7 KB)
Input of organotins to Victorian marine and estuarine waters (PDF, 148.5 KB)
Input of petroleum and related products into Victorian marine and estuarine environments (PDF, 267.2 KB)
Input of toxic substances into Victorian rivers and streams (PDF, 210.3 KB)
Introduction and spread of Spartina to Victorian estuarine environments (PDF, 192.3 KB)
Introduction of live fish into waters outside their natural range within a Victorian river catchment after 1770 (PDF, 213.4 KB)
Invasion of native vegetation by Blackberry (PDF, 173.0 KB)
Invasion of native vegetation by environmental weeds (PDF, 234.3 KB)
Invasion of native vegetation communities by Tall Wheat-grass (PDF, 400.4 KB)
Loss of biodiversity and potential ecosystem integrity following invasion by Argentine Ants (PDF, 329.4 KB)
Loss of biodiversity from spread of Coast and Sallow Wattle (PDF, 3.4 MB)
Loss of coarse woody debris from Victorian native forests and woodlands (PDF, 230.9 KB)
Loss of hollow-bearing trees from Victorian native forests (PDF, 239.0 KB)
Loss of terrestrial climatic habitat caused by anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (PDF, 243.7 KB)
Poisoning of native wildlife by anticoagulant rodenticides (PDF, 276.3 KB)
Predation of native wildlife by the cat Felis catus (PDF, 242.8 KB)
Predation of native wildlife by the introduced Red Fox Vulpes vulpes (PDF, 185.6 KB)
Prevention of passage of aquatic biota as a result of the presence of instream structures (PDF, 290.9 KB)
Reduction in biodiversity of native vegetation by Sambar (PDF, 186.6 KB)
Reduction in biodiversity resulting from Noisy Miner populations in Victoria (PDF, 473.5 KB)
Reduction in biomass and biodiversity of native vegetation through grazing by the Rabbit (PDF, 451.9 KB)
Removal of wood debris from Victorian streams (PDF, 190.2 KB)
Soil and vegetation disturbance resulting from marble mining (PDF, 128.9 KB)
Soil degradation and reduction of biodiversity through browsing and competition by feral goats (PDF, 333.7 KB)
Soil erosion and vegetation damage and disturbance in the alpine regions of Victoria caused by cattle grazing (PDF, 176.7 KB)
Spread of Pittosporum undulatum in areas outside its natural distribution (PDF, 158.2 KB)
The discharge of human-generated marine debris into Victorian marine or estuarine waters (PDF, 207.7 KB)
The introduction and spread of the Large Earth Bumblebee into Victorian terrestrial environments (PDF, 199.3 KB)
The introduction of exotic organisms into Victorian marine waters (PDF, 217.6 KB)
The spread of Phytophthora cinnamomi from infected sites into parks or reserves, including roadsides (PDF, 116.2 KB)
Threats to native flora and fauna arising from the use by the feral honeybee of nesting hollows and floral resources (PDF, 252.7 KB)
Use of Phytophthora-infected gravel in construction of roads, bridges and reservoirs (PDF, 65.3 KB)
Wetland loss and degradation as a result of change in water regime, dredging, draining, filling and grazing (PDF, 246.8 KB)

Page last updated: 13/06/24