There are two options for preparing and submitting spatial output data for Biodiversity On-ground Action -Regional Landscapes and Targeted Action projects.

Options for preparing and submitting spatial output data

Organisations that DO NOT have existing Graphic Information System (GIS) capability can record their outputs directly into ActivityKit.

ActivityKit is an on-line, editable mapping tool for recording 13 biodiversity related spatial outputs. It uses everyday language for the outputs in the output format and structure. Standard output structure is a bit different to a project management structure. Recording your project’s outputs in ActivityKit meets your project’s obligation for reporting spatial output data.

1. Register for ActivityKit:

How to register for ActivityKit (pdf)

How to register for ActivityKit (accessible version)

2. Log in to ActivityKit to record your project and outputs.

How to use ActivityKit

There are a number of ‘How to’guides, and videos in MPV4 format guide and show you how to use ActivityKit.

An overview of ActivityKit and demonstration videos can be accessed here.

When reporting in Activity Kit

Project ID: Please enter BOA2017RLTA** (** your unique application number)

Funding Source: Please select "Biodiversity On-ground Action" from the drop down menu

The table below identifies the range of actions undertaken under the RLTA and their corresponding output. Please contact if you are using ActivityKit and the activity or output you are required to report on is not in the list.

Table: Biodiversity related outputs in ActivityKit
Biodiversity related outputs that can be recorded in Activity Kit
These 13 standard outputs are a subset of the 33 DELWP wide outputs.
Output type/Specific activityNo.Output headingExplanation
Man-made ground feature1.7Terrestrial featureHabitat features for the benefit of biodiversity.
Natural ground feature
Nest box
Bore1.8Monitoring structureStructures built and/or maintained for monitoring activities
Monitoring station
Bollard1.9FenceThis output relates to erecting, maintaining or removing a fence and is usually associated with other activities such as revegetation, pest control or a grazing regime.
Seedling planting2.1VegetationThis output relates vegetation management. 
Guarding (tree guards)
Supplementary watering
Weed management2.2Weed controlThis output relates to week management grouped under 'woody' or 'non woody'. The main species (up to 3 can be selected) and treatment method for each e.g. biological; chemical; manual; mechanical.
Pest animal management2.3Pest animal controlThis output relates to pest animal management where the species and treatment method are recorded
Caging (plants)2.5Threatened species responseThis output relates to work undertaken to protect/conserve threatened species e.g. 
Captive breeding
Store seed or vegetation material
Inoculation of soil
Supplementary watering/feeding
Rubbish removal2.9Rubbish removalThis output is used to record the location from which rubbish is removed
Grazing management - continuous3.1Grazing This output relates to managing grazing in agricultural, riparian or terrestrial environments
Grazing management - controlled
Grazing management - by exclusion
Ecological burning/fire3.4FireThis output relates to ecological or fuel reduction burning.
Fuel reduction burning
Management agreement4.2Management agreementThis output relates to binding non-perpetual agreements and binding perpetual agreements.
Assessment4.3AssessmentsThis output relates to assessments, that is where they were undertaken and for what purpose. The information gathered as part of the assessment is not recorded here. The 'type of assessment is selected from a dropdown list of 15 options including: cultural; ecological; flora; fauna; heritage.....
Conference4.4Engagement eventThis output relates to engagement delivered as part of the project.  It captures the types of audience engaged and the purpose of the event.
Field day
Please contact if you are using ActivityKit and the activity and/or output you are required to report on is not in the list.
Organisations that have existing Graphic Information System (GIS) capability can use their existing systems to record the outputs and supply the data formatted to the required data standard using an ESRI Geodatabase template version of the standards.

The DELWP Output Data Standards, Version 2 June 2015 describe the standards required for reporting against outputs delivered as part of your project.  It includes the required ‘common’ attributes and individual output attributes.

The ‘Spatial Output Reporting Guideline’ supports the interpretation of the DELWP Output Data Standards including preparing and supplying output data, it was created for Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) but is useful for other organisations supplying output data to DELWP.

The ‘Output data standard – Geodatabase Version with supporting tables’ is Version 4 of the DELWP Output Data Standard in an ESRI geodatabase format. It is available via the Output data standard web page along with the DELWP Output Data Standards, Version 2 June 2015 and the Spatial Output Reporting Guideline.

Catchment Management Authorities please note: As your organisation provides spatial output data to DELWP annually by mid August each year you are not required to provide the RLTA data again separately. The spatial output data you provide must be compliant with the DELWP Output Data Standard and be received by the due date.

Page last updated: 04/09/19